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The Candy Village


Another blog for today!

This photo taken in tagaytay. And this place is what you called "The Candy Village".

"Appreciate Everything"


RULE NO. 1 : It has to be fun..

No family is perfect.

And i know that every family has its problem.

But i admire those that stick together.

These are my cousins and my aunt.


"Making fun with each other"

Having a cousin just like her is the best. Every moment we share is the best thing happen for me.

"We didn't realize we were making memories we just knew we were having fun"


"Never, ever underestimate the importance of having fun"

I'm looking back on this and smile because it was life and i decided to live it.


Saved the best for last...

And that's for todayyyyy!!!.... I hope you enjoy reading my blog.


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